Solar Photovoltaic panels work by converting sunlight into electricity to power your air source heat pump, offsetting costs of usage. Solar Photovoltaic panels do not just generate electricity from direct sunlight and can work on cloudy days.
Air source heat pumps generate heat for your home by transferring the heat outside the property into the home. They can be used to generate heat for your central heating as well as your water.
Air source heat pumps are able to generate heat for homes in temperatures as low as -20°C.
We can replace old non condensing boilers with an A-rated Gas Boiler. These efficient boilers are an effective way of improving the heating in your home.
Four Seasons Energy UK Limited is a company registered in England & Wales with company number 12146215.
Registered office is 5 Lower Barn, Hemel Hempstead, HP3 9QL.